We will enforce all HOA/Property document rules and regulations.
All Laws and Statutes we follow by are set by the State of Florida (F.S.S. 316,319,493,713,719), and Palm Beach County Consumer Affairs Division Towing Ordinance (Palm Beach County Ord. Section 19)
WE ARE NOT A TOW COMPANY. Our responsibility is to cooridinate with the management and have vehicles in violation removed from the property by the licensed and contracted tow company to the property.
We have the experience, background and knowledge to ensure your parking problems are resolved as quickly as possible. Our staff has been enforcing parking rules for over 30 years and we can ensure you that we will resolve your parking issues.
Our law enforcement background and years of working with the Florida towing ordinance to correct parking issues has made us the experts in private property parking enforcement. We have warned, educated and impounded countless violators over the years.
We have automated our reporting systems to reduce the cost to employ administrative staff members and we have coordinated our parking enforcement services routes to be the most fuel efficient possible. With these savings you will be pleasantly surprised at how low our prices can be.
For more information about Parking Management Services and to recieve a free consultation, contact us!